Sunday, December 18, 2016

Jaden's Mommy! πŸ’–

Wow! Hello there, Blogger friends!!!

It's been TOO, too, tooooo long!!!  I can't believe I haven't posted or even been on my blog for a little over two years--YIKES!!  So much has happened since I last wrote... Ohhh, SO much! πŸ˜‰

Well, for starters, I got married πŸ‘° last December (2015).  I moved from Maryland over the summer of 2016 and I am now living in Texas.  Also, I'm a new mommy to a gorgeous little boy whom was born this past September and whom has utterly stolen my heart! πŸ’™  His name?  Jaden--which means "Jehovah has heard".  Can I tell you?!  I am SO smitten w/this little fella--STOKED!!! He is my joy! 😍😍😍

Anyway, this was a quick post to say hello and to introduce you to my lil peanut πŸ‘Ό  I haven't crafted in a very long time, but once Jaden and I become more consistent in our daily routines, I'll be able to get back into my crafting mojo.  Hope everyone has been well and crafting!  Thanks for stopping by! πŸ’‹  "See" you all again soon... I hope! πŸ‘‹

Gri πŸ’–πŸŽ”


Leslie Germain said...

Grisel!!! SO happy I caught this!! Congrats to you!! He is beautiful!! Enjoy that amazing journey of motherhood!!! xoxo

Tiffany Ervin said...

He is sooooo precious!!!! And so happy to see your blog post!!! Give him a sweet hug for me!!! Love you and definitely you'll be back to crafting in no time!!!

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

So fun to see you on here again! What a beautiful baby! Congratulations on so much, and can't wait to see more of your work again!